Thursday, September 20, 2012

23 weeks till my birthday!

So, as you may have noticed, I'm new to the blog format and new to the structure and discipline it takes to actually do what I write about. Reasons for starting this thing in the first place. I wanted a forum that forced me to get some old stuff done. And so far, it hasn't really worked. Life got in the way and some of my projects were just too big. I've reevaluated the list and decided to scale down and be more realistic. I've taken off a few things that I want to save for the future (31 Before I turn 31 possibly...). I've also taken off a few things that I decided were not really worth my time. And two things that I did and did not document. doh! So here is the revised list. And as my title states, it is 23 weeks (counting this one) until my 30th birthday so there are still 23 projects to do. That is one or two projects per week, but I'm optimistic. I pared down the "wish list" and stuck to the things that I already have started or things that I need no new supplies for. I realized that some projects (like painting a 6 foot tall cabinet or reupholstering a chair) required money to finish and that I have none of! So here's hoping I can remember to take photos and can actually get things done! Hoorah!

1.  Repair Maxi Dress and Gold skirt
2.  T-shirt Quilt
3.  Grayson’s PJ Pants
4.  Yellow Seersucker Dress
5.  Polka dot hat
6.  Cowboy shirt
7.  Arthur's Hoodie
8.  Owl Quilt
9.  Gingham shirt
10. Cloth Diapers
11. Lyndsey’s MASH Pillow
12. Laura's Dress
13. 2 pairs green corduroy pants
14. Chiffon Shirt
15. Owl Softies and Monster Softie
16. Pizza Pincushions
17. Blue Plaid Cowboy Shirtdress
18. Turquoise Jacket
19. Black and White Dress and Navy polka dot skirt
20. Shopping Cart/High Chair cover
21. Corduroy Jacket Repair and Arthur’s Crib Sheet
22. Arthur's Embroidered Wall Art
23. Grayson's Diaper Bag
24. Dressing Robe
25. Coral Embroidery
26. 4 Purse repairs and Undies
27. Camel Halter top

p.s. the posts about #2 the T-Shirt Quilt and #20 The Shopping Cart Cover are coming. I'm just terrible at taking pictures in a timely fashion.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bean's Diapers

When G and I found out that we had a little Bean in the oven, we started all kinds of  discussions. Where to live, what to name the Bean, how we felt about "parenting", and how much rock 'n' roll was necessary to make sure a Bean listened to good music upon arrival. But one thing that we agreed upon very early on was the fact that we were going to use cloth diapers. I've always hated disposable diapers. When I was a babysitter - for a very short time when I was in junior high - I felt like no matter what, diapers always smelled. The diapers themselves just had this terrible smell when they came out of the package. And on top of that, they are so terrible for the environment, and for the babies that wear them. Here's just a few facts about that.....But! I think the most appealing thing about cloth diapers is that they are CHEAP! Especially for a seamstress. My Mom bought us a few of the Flip diapers, from BumGenius and they are simple and work for all sizes, 8-35 lbs. This system is basically a cover and an insert, and the inserts are just a big 15" square with some seams for folding. So, all I did was pick up some flannel sheets for $8, a couple of cute flannel receiving blankets for $1 a piece and some old towels and terrycloth yardage that was just laying around. Cut 2 squares of flannel and one of towel. Sandwich towel between flannel. Stitch two rows, 5" apart, then serge around the edges. So simple. I made a new stack of diapers for my little Bean to roam around in. It's actually kind of funny how much fuss we put into something that a little baby is going to poop in, but it's important none the less. I'm more concerned about absorbency and long lasting dryness, and less concerned about fit or "trimness". A baby is supposed to have the silly looking diaper butt ; )

I also bought a pattern for Little Half Moon diapers, which are the "fitted" style. They look just like a disposable diaper, but, obviously, are a bunch of layers of flannel and towel. These are a lot more complicated to make and take more materials, so I have fewer of them. They are also made up of less fabric, so I often opt for the other flat/folded ones because they can absorb more.

So here's some pictures of our diapers.

neatly stacked, ready for action.

The animals, stars and green stripes were receiving blankets, the solid blue and white stripes, flannel sheets. 

here is one, unfolded. you can see the two seams that act as fold lines. 

I decided I didn't care if they matched on both sides. Makes life a little more fun!

These are the fitted ones. I found this sock monkey flannel at the fabric store and flipped out. It's so cute and extra soft. Bean has possession of my sock monkey, Sheldon (after Big Bang Theory Sheldon) and I just love finding more sock monkeys for him.

You can see, these just velcro like a real diaper, and have elastic in the legs for leak protection. 

And lastly, these are our covers. I bought the for a little less then $15 each from and they will last the whole time Bean is in diapers. We have 7 covers, 30 diapers and about 2 dozen cloth wipes and only have to do one extra load of laundry every 3rd day. It's so super simple. And you never run out! No emergency trips to the quicky mart, no $20 a week, nothing. Just a little extra laundry and done!

A New Start

Well, it seems that I've been pretty absent from this blog since February. FEBRUARY! Sheesh. I've been working around the clock to get things going with "the business", doing shows and making aprons. I am reevaluating my 30 before 30 project, I decided after months and months to abandon a few from the list and replace them with some more appropriate things that need to be done. I'm going to attempt to finish the T-Shirt Quilt this weekend...since I started it in February and all my projects are supposed to take two weeks, I guess I should finish it sometime soon! Ha! Life does get in the way of like sometimes doesn't it?

So here's to new beginnings, again! And for your time, here are a couple of photos from my latest craft show, fEASTival Nashville 2012.

 My booth all set up and waiting for customers! The dress on the dressform is one of my new "designs". I have a collection of vintage clothing patterns, and I've recently decided to pull them out and actually make the adorable dresses and pants and jumpsuits using the vintage sheets I've found for my aprons. This blue and green one turned out AMAZING. I'll post more about it at a future date.

Here are a few of the aprons made out of shirts hanging on their little clothes line, gently blowing in the wind...

And the lovely jewels made by Mrs. Natalia for Sadovina Jewelry. She ever so kindly came out to keep me and my booth company durning fEASTival.

And of course. The best lunch ever. The famous East Nasty from Biscuit Love, the best biscuit food truck ever. So, so good.

That's all the news for now. Check back soon for more updates and projects and aprons!